Mon That Got Away

The Lost Lunatone – Submission for ‘Mon That Got Away 

6/29/18, 1:20am

Stevens Point, WI

User: dphie250, (D-PHI-E-250) aka D-Phi aka Stephanie


This is a story of full moons, Lunatones, police encounters and how nothing good happens after midnight.

I was out late working on errands for my upcoming wedding and decided it would be a prime night for Lunatone hunting.  It was partly cloudy and a full moon, so if Lunatone was going to pop, I thought it might be tonight. I saw that one of my bridesmaids, who is also into late night Pokemon grinding, was online, so I called her up.  I was pretty tired from all of the wedding stress so I asked her to drive…this was the beginning of the end.

We drove all around Stevens Point for 2 hours and found nothing.  She dropped me off at home, defeated.  However, not two minutes after she drove away, someone posted on our local Discord that a Lunatone had spawned at a local coffee shop downtown at 1:20am.  Eureka! I called my friend back and she sped back, picked me up, and we were back in business.

Several red lights and slow moving cars later, we were afraid that we had missed it, as it was now 20 minutes from the original posting.  But, as we approached the coffee shop, I could see that beautiful black silhouette. However, several sluggish pedestrians blocked our path. ARGH! By the time they passed, we got the dreaded error message “The Pokémon fled.” We went to the spot it should have been, but it didn’t spawn!  So we started to drive away, convinced we missed it.

We got a couple of blocks away, and the silhouette reappeared in the nearby.  Was it a glitch? We had to check. However, this is when my bridesmaid made a grim error.  Phone in hand, she sped to 50 mph in a 25 approached a flashing red light yelled “HERE COMES THE TAP!” quickly tapped her brakes, and kept on driving to the nearby coffee shop.

The POLICE parked nearby did not think that tap sufficed as a complete stop, as the flashing red and blue lights behind us clearly showed. She pulled into the coffee shop parking lot and threw her phone at me and told me to catch Lunatone if it showed.  Somehow, the Lunatone spawned on her phone, and while she was talking to the police officer, I caught her the elusive ‘mon. However, to my utter dismay, Lunatone did not spawn on my account.  The crescent moon was just out of my GPS range.  By the time I thought to reload my game to fix the GPS, Lunatone had completely despawned.


Some great pieces of conversation from the wild police encounter:


Police: “So…where were you going tonight?”

Friend: “Uhh…Here?”

Police: “The coffee shop?”

Friend: “My friend here in the back is a Pokemon fan and was trying to get a rare pokemon.”

Police: “Oh. That’s actually pretty common.”


Me: Since I’m just in the backseat, can I exit the vehicle so I can get the Pokémon we came here for?

Police: I’m going to have you stay in the car for now.

Me: *dies inside*


Police: *goes to car to enter information with his buddy*

Police: *laughs obnoxiously*

Me and my friend: *groans*


Thankfully, my friend just got off with a written warning and she got a Lunatone to go with it.  All I got was a good story. No Lunatone, no t-shirt, no trophy. Just some lessons learned:

1. Practice safe Pokémon-ing.  There will always be another Lunatone.  This applies to everyone.

  1. 2. Nothing. Nothing good happens after midnight.
  2. 3. The police does not care about your Lunatone.
  3. 4. I love my friend and I’m glad she picked me up so we could go Lunatone hunting together, and we will continue to go Lunatone hunting together, but…
  4. 5. The next time a Lunatone pops, I am going to drive my damn self.

Happy Lunatone hunting everyone! May the spawn rate be ever in your favor!